Search engine visibility of websites

Visibility in search engines

Do you know how you rank against your competitors in search engines? If you answered no, it’s time to act.

The part of digital marketing in marketing is growing all the time. Search engines are one of the biggest and most effective ways to get free traffic to your website.

We will study the search engine visibility of your website and provide you with clear statistics for further development.

Search engine visibility package

We will provide you with clear and understandable statistics on the search engine visibility of your website so that you can start to develop your business effectively, with the aim of achieving better search engine visibility than your competitors.

We will also tell you what the next steps could be to develop your website independently or, alternatively, we would be happy to continue the project together.

Your consultant:

Marianne Kupari
[email protected]
Puh. 044 237 3227

  • What is your company's brand visibility in search engines?
  • Is the search engine visibility likely to reach your defined target group?
  • What goals have you set for search engine visibility and are you achieving them?
  • What are your company's competitive advantages and do they show up in search engines?
  • What are the main areas for development?
  • With what keywords do you appear in search engines in relation to your competitors?

Price 750€ (+VAT 24%)

Want to know more about search engine optimization?

Check out our comprehensive service package, which includes keyword research and search engine analysis, as well as training for you and your staff on search engine optimization, advertising and social media.